LCD Screen Editor: Changing the Screen Order

The order of the screens in an LCD screen file is significant in the following ways:


There are three ways to move a screen up or down in the list of screens: use the Move Screen Up/Down menu commands, drag a screen in the tree pane, and use the clipboard.


To move a screen up or down using the Move Screen Up/Down commands:

  1. Select the screen you want to move up or down.

  2. On the Edit menu, click Move Screen Up or Move Screen Down. This will move the screen up or down one screen in the list. One or both of these commands may be unavailable if the screen is already at the top or bottom of the list.


To move a screen up or down by dragging the screen:

  1. In the tree pane, drag the screen you want to move up or down. As you drag the screen, watch for a horizontal insertion line indicating where the screen will be inserted.


To move a screen up or down using the clipboard:

  1. In the tree pane, select the screen you want to move up or down.

  2. On the Edit menu, click Cut. You can also use the shortcut menu or shortcut key (CTRL+X).

  3. In the tree pane, select the screen you want to insert the cut screen in front of.

  4. On the Edit menu, click Paste. You can also use the shortcut menu or shortcut key (CTRL+V).


See Also: LCD Screen Editor Topics

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