LCD Screen Editor: Status Bar Details

The status bar is located at the bottom of the LCD Screen Editor window. This bar is divided into the following areas:

Menu Help - All of the status bar except the three panes described below is used to display help on menu items and toolbar buttons. When no menu item is selected, it displays "For help, press F1." If a menu item is selected, or the pointer is over a toolbar button, then a brief line of help is displayed here. This area is replaced by a progress bar during uploads and downloads.

CAP - This pane indicates whether the CAPS LOCK key is toggled on or off. If CAPS LOCK is enabled, this pane will display CAP. Otherwise it will be blank.

NUM - This pane indicates whether the NUM LOCK key is toggled on or off. If NUM LOCK is enabled, this pane will display NUM. Otherwise it will be blank.

INS/OVR - This pane indicates whether the LCD Screen Editor is in Insert (INS) or Overtype (OVR) mode. For further information on Insert and Overtype modes, see Selecting Insert or Overtype Mode.


To show or hide the status bar:

  1. On the View menu, click Status Bar.


See Also: LCD Screen Editor Topics

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