Curve Tool: Deleting Points

One or more points can be deleted from a curve. It is possible that deleting the requested point would make the active curve invalid. If this is the case, you will be instructed why the request is invalid.

If you have the Link Curves Together option enabled, then deleting a point will also delete all other visible points on other axes with identical time (or master position) values. See Linking Curves for details.

To delete a point in the Graph view:

  1. Select the point or points you wish to delete in the Graph view, as described in Selecting Points.

  2. On the Edit menu, click Delete.
    You can also issue the Delete command by pressing the DELETE key or by right-clicking on the point or points you wish to delete, and clicking Delete on the shortcut menu.


To delete a point in the Spreadsheet view:

  1. Click on the header for the point you wish to delete.

  2. On the Edit menu, click Delete.
    You can also issue the Delete command by pressing the DELETE key or by clicking Delete on the shortcut menu.


See Also: Curve Tool Topics

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