Communication Driver: TCP/IP Direct to RMC-ENET Configuration

Note: This communication driver requires RMC ENET firmware dated 20001108 or later.

Communicating over TCP/IP requires configuring both the PC's and RMC's IP parameters, and then selecting the RMC IP address in RMCWin.


The quickest way to select the target RMC you want to communicate with is as follows:

  1. Start RMCWin.

  2. On the main window's status bar, right-click the Communication pane (e.g. "COM1: Offline").
    A shortcut menu will appear. At the bottom of this shortcut menu will be listed all of the most recently accessed RMC IP addresses, plus all RMCs on the local network.

Note: If your computer has a firewall, it may prevent RMCWin from finding RMC100s on your Ethernet network. See the Setting the Firewall to Allow RMC100 Ethernet Browsing topic for details.


  1. In the shortcut menu, click the IP address of the RMC you want to communicate with.


An alternative way to set up this driver is to use the Communication tab in the Options dialog box. This method allows you to manually type in an IP address and configure other driver options:

  1. Start RMCWin.

  2. On the main window's Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Communication tab.
    You can also double-click the Communication pane of the main window's status bar, or right-click this pane and then click Communication Options from the shortcut menu. This is the pane that displays the current communication path and state (e.g. "COM1: Offline").

  1. Under Communication Driver, click TCP/IP Direct to RMC-ENET.

  2. Select the desired settings described below.

  3. Click OK.


The controls in this dialog box are listed below:

Type the IP address of the RMC ENET module you want to communicate with. You can also use the drop-down list to select from the last several IP addresses you have entered.

RMCWin can automatically detect all RMC ENET modules on the network that your PC's Ethernet adapter is connected to. This requires RMC ENET firmware dated 20010523 or newer. Check this box to continuously update the browse list while it is displayed.

This button is available if the autobrowse feature above is not selected. It will scan the network of your PC's Ethernet adapter once for RMC ENETs and update the browse list accordingly.

If you have an RMC ENET in the browse list currently selected, then you can configure its TCP/IP settings directly by clicking this button. See RMC Ethernet IP Address Setup for details.

The browse list is updated using one of the above two methods (autobrowse or manual refresh). It will list all RMC100s with an RMC ENET module connected to the same network as your PC's Ethernet adapter. These RMC ENET modules must have firmware dated 20010523 or newer to show up on this list. Notice that RMCs will appear on this list even if they have invalid TCP/IP settings for the network. Therefore, you may not be able to connect to all RMCs in the list without first updating the TCP/IP settings. Click Configure to update the TCP/IP settings of the currently-selected RMC, even if it currently has invalid TCP/IP settings.

Note: If your computer has a firewall, it may prevent RMCWin from finding RMC100s on your Ethernet network. See the Setting the Firewall to Allow RMC100 Ethernet Browsing topic for details.


This slider adjusts a delay that is inserted between transactions between RMCWin and the RMC. The only purpose for this control is to decrease the load on slower PCs; the RMC can handle any of the communication speeds. If this software seems to slow down Windows, move this slider closer to Slow.

Move the slider toward Slow to decrease the load on the PC, and toward Fast to increase the load on the PC.

Note: This setting is ignored while reading up a plot; no delay is used.


See also: TCP/IP Direct to RMC-ENET Overview, Connecting RMCWin to an RMC


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