Communication Driver: Serial Configuration

The settings for the "RS-232 Monitor" serial port on the RMC CPU are as follows:

Signals: RS232

Baud Rate: 38400

Data Bits: 8

Parity: None

Stop Bits: 1

Flow Control: None

Therefore, RMCWin does not require choosing these options to communicate with the RMC. The only setting necessary to set up on RMCWin is to select which serial port will be used. Two other options are available that affect the performance and reliability.

To configure the Serial communication driver:

  1. Start RMCWin.

  2. On the main window's Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Communication tab.
    You can also double click the Communication pane of the main window's status bar, or right-click this pane and then click Communication Options from the shortcut menu. This is the pane that displays the current communication path and state (e.g. "COM1: Offline").

  1. Under Communication Driver, click Serial.

  2. Select the desired settings described below.

  3. Click OK.


The serial driver settings offered in this dialog box are listed below:

Note: This setting is ignored while reading up a plot; no delay is used.

Note: By checking this box, the communication speed will slow by roughly 40%. Therefore, only use this option if necessary.


See also: RS232 Wiring, Serial Overview, Connecting RMCWin to an RMC


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