Forcing Initialization

It is possible to have RMCwin automatically send the parameters it has stored in a file to the RMC. In most cases this should not be necessary because there are two other methods of ensuring a module is initialized. Both are more desirable:

  1. The parameters can be stored in the Flash. A module uses the parameters stored in the Flash when it starts up.

  2. The parameters can be stored in the Programmable Controller and downloaded when the RMC is started up. This is usually desirable when a Programmable Controller is available to ensure that the RMC is always configured correctly even if a module is swapped out.

To enable Forced Initialization, you must start RMCWin using the -F command-line parameter. This can be added as a parameter by editing the shortcut which starts RMCWin or by typing the parameter after the program name when starting it from a command prompt. For more details, see Command-line Options.


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