Downloading New RMC100 Firmware

If new features have been added or problems fixed in the RMC firmware, then it is necessary to update the firmware to take advantage of these improvements. You should only use the firmware download feature at the instruction of technical support to address a specific need.

Note: You cannot update the RMC100 firmware when connected to the RMC via the TCP/IP Direct to RMC-ENET communication driver. You will need to use either the Serial or TCP/IP-to-RS232 Bridge driver.

To download new firmware:

  1. Obtain the new firmware from technical support.

  2. Run RMCWin.

  3. Turn off the system being controlled by the RMC. This is necessary because the RMC must be reset for the new firmware to take effect. During this time, the RMC cannot control motion.

  4. On the Tools menu, click Module Configuration.

  5. If you want to be able to restore the current firmware, you may want to make a backup. Click Backup FW and follow the instructions that follow to do this.

  6. Click Update FW.

  7. After reading the warning, click Yes if you feel it is a safe time to have the RMC reset. Otherwise, click No.

  8. You will be asked to find the file you will use as the new firmware. Enter the name of the firmware file provided by technical support, and click Open. This can be on a floppy disk or on the hard disk.

  9. If the firmware you requested to download is not supported by the current Boot/Loader firmware, a notification will appear. Click OK if you have the Boot/Loader firmware and give the Boot/Loader firmware filename in the Open dialog box.

  10. The version number of the firmware to be downloaded will be displayed. Verify that the firmware date(s) is newer than the current firmware you are using. If so, click Yes, otherwise click No to select another firmware file.

  11. The firmware will then be downloaded.


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