Rotational Mode

Rotational mode is specifically designed for cyclic axes. When an axis is in this mode, the positions wrap around from the Retract Limit to the Extend Limit. One of the most common uses for Rotational mode is speed control.

To enter or exit rotational mode, use the Set Mode (M) command or issue any of the following motion commands with the Rotational Bit (bit 9) set or cleared:

Note: Only the following commands can exit rotational mode: Go (G) command for Quick, Synchronized, and Point-to-Point Moves, or a Sine Move (~).


Attempts to change the Rotational mode bit through the Set Mode (M) command will be ignored if the axis is doing a Point-to-Point, Quick, Synchronized, or Speed Control move.

Axes remain in Rotational mode through all Auto Stops, Halt (H) commands, Disable Drive (K) commands, and Set Parameters (P) commands.



To reset an axis position every 3600 position units, set the Retract Limit to 0 and the Extend Limit to 3599. When the axis moves beyond zero in the negative direction, it will wrap around to 3599. Notice that setting the limits to 0 and 3600 would result in 3601 position units per turn.


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