Status (Pressure/Force)

The pressure Status word contains 16 bits of information about the condition of the axis. You can use any of the first eight error bits to trigger a STOP on the axis using the Auto Stop parameter. To display the expanded Status bit window, see Using the Status Bits Window, or click here for the Axis Status Bit Map.

Error bits 8 through 14 are cleared whenever a Set Pressure (^) command is given. Error bit 15 is cleared after a Set Parameters (P) command if a transducer is detected at that time.


Note: Bit 15 is the most significant bit (MSB; left-most bit), Bit 0 is the least significant bit (LSB, right-most bit).


Tip: On the Window menu, click Status Bits (or press CTRL+B) to display the Bit Status window, which shows the individual bits of the Status words.


Bit 15 - No Transducer

This bit is set if the transducer falls into a range which indicates that no transducer is connected. In all voltage modes, this occurs if the COUNTS read -32768. In 4 to 20mA mode, this occurs if the COUNTS read below 5898, which represents 3.6mA. This bit causes a Hard Stop or a Soft Stop, depending on the setting of Auto Stop bit 7. This bit will stay on until a new command is given to the axis.


Bit 14 - Transducer Noise

This bit is currently unused for analog transducers.


Bit 13 - Transducer Overflow

This bit indicates that the analog input is being over-ranged. Ensure that the analog input is between the range selected in the Configuration Word. For example, if the range selected is between 0 and 10V, and the input voltage is 12V. See Counts for a list of the actual count ranges.


Bit 12 - Overdrive

This bit is only used with 16-bit analog modules that have drive outputs. This bit is set when this drive output exceeds the 12-bit range of the D/A converter. This drive output can only be set by using the Open Loop command, and therefore this bit is not affected by the axis regulating pressure. The module will truncate the drive to 12 bits (+10V or -10V). It causes no action, a Soft Stop, or a Hard Stop, depending on the setting of Auto Stop bits 4 and 12. This bit will stay on until a new command is given to the axis. Because the drive output on the analog module generally does not have anything to do with regulating the pressure or position, it is recommended that no Auto Stop bits be set for this error.


Bit 11 - Parameter Error

This bit is set when an initialization parameter or control parameter is out of bounds. In some cases one parameter's limit will depend on the value of another parameter, so definite limits may not always be available. However, the motion controller does try to replace the erroneous value with another that is within range, so the offending parameter can be determined by comparing the parameter values before and after the error bit is set. This error causes no action, a Soft Stop, or a Hard Stop, depending on the setting of Auto Stop bits 3 and 11. This bit will stay on until a new command is given to the axis.


Bit 10 - Pressure Overflow

This bit indicates that the pressure read from the transducer does not fit within a 16-bit number. For single-ended analog axes, an overflow is not possible because the counts never exceed 16-bits. For differential analog axes, because one 16-bit number is subtracted from another, the total range is 17 bits, and therefore an overflow can occur. It causes no action, a Soft Stop, or a Hard Stop, depending on the setting of Auto Stop bits 2 and 10. This bit will stay on until a new command is given to the axis.


Bit 9 - Integrator Windup

This bit is set when the integrator value is larger than 20% or 80%, depending on the setting of the Integrator bit in the Configuration word. It causes no action, a Soft Stop, or a Hard Stop, depending on the setting of Auto Stop bits 1 and 9. This bit will stay on until a new command is given to the axis.


Bit 8 - Following Error

This bit is set when the difference between the Target Pressure and the Actual Pressure is greater than the Following Error parameter. It causes no action, a Soft Stop, or a Hard Stop, depending on the setting of Auto Stop bits 0 and 8. This bit will stay on until a new command is given to the axis.


Bit 7 - Acknowledge

This bit will toggle after the motion controller receives a valid command or Status Area Request. This can be used to verify that the motion controller has received the command.

Note: This bit only toggles on commands received from the Programmable Controller and therefore will not toggle on commands from RMCWin.


Bit 6 - Initialized

This bit is set after a Set Parameter (P) command is successfully executed. Until this bit is set, the axis will not regulate pressure. This bit is cleared when the module is reset.


Bit 4-5 - State Bits

Bits 4 and 5 show the state of the target generator:



Bit 5 (State Bit B)

Bit 4 (State Bit A)

Not Regulating Pressure



Increasing Pressure



Constant Pressure



Decreasing Pressure




Bit 1 - Regulating Pressure Bit

This bit is set when a pressure axis is actively controlling pressure. You may use this bit to determine when the axis has crossed into pressure mode out of position mode. This bit is not latched, and will clear as soon as the axis leaves pressure mode.


Bit 0 - At Pressure

This bit will be set when the difference between the Actual Pressure and Command Pressure is less than the value in the At Pressure field; it is not latched.


Note: The control program can monitor this bit to determine when an axis has reached the commanded pressure.


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