Comp. Timeout

Default: 0
Range: 0 (no timeout) or 1 to 65535 seconds


This parameter is available only on stepper axes. It is one of several parameters that control the compensation feature. For a complete description of the compensation feature, see the Stepper Compensation topic.

When the axis is stopped outside the In Position Window, compensation will be applied to try to move the axis back to within the window. If the axis is not able to move back into the In Position Window in the time specified by the Compensation Timeout parameter, the Timeout bit will be set in the Status word. This bit can be used to trigger a hard stop on the axis, as controlled by the Auto Stop Mask parameter. Do not use the soft stop with this bit, since the axis is already stopped, so the closed loop stop initiated by the soft stop does nothing.

A Compensation Timeout of 0 will disable the timeout feature so compensation will continue until the position moves within the window.


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