Filter Time Constant (Pressure/Force)

Default: 0 (disabled)
Range: 1 to 65,535 milliseconds, or 0 to disable


Note: This parameter was introduced in RMC CPU firmware dated 20020429 or later. This parameter is reserved in earlier firmware.

This parameter allows filtering the pressure/force feedback value. By default the filter is disabled. If this parameter is set to a non-zero value, then the pressure/force feedback is filtered using an Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filter with a time constant set to this parameter's value in milliseconds.

This feature should be left disabled in systems that need to react to quick changes in pressure, as increasing this filter value will increase the phase delay in the system feedback, making the system more likely to oscillate. Systems with slower acting pressures can benefit from applying this filter.

To compute an initial value for your time constant value, recall that for a step jump in the feedback value, an IIR filter will reach 63% in 1 time constant, and 99% in 5 time constants.


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