Proportional Gain

Default: 1
Range: 0 to 65535


The Proportional Gain controls how much drive is generated proportional to the Position Error. The Position Error is defined as the Target Position minus the Actual Position. The units on the Proportional Gain is millivolts per 10 units of Position Error.


The Proportional Drive is defined as follows:




Or more simply:


where pu is position units.


Note: The actual drive output may be reduced based on the values of the Extend Feed Forward and Retract Feed Forward .


CAUTION: Increase the Proportional Gain gradually. Excessive gain can cause oscillation that could cause damage or injury.


Think about this:

Internally, the motion controller must compare the error between the Target and Actual Positions with error limits to keep values from overflowing. The error limit is the error at which full drive (10 volts) will occur. This internal error limit is calculated as follows:

 Error Limit = 100,000 / Proportional Gain

Therefore, if the Proportional Gain is set to 100, the Error Limit will be 1,000, which means any error greater than 1,000 will be treated as an error of 1,000 and the Overdrive error bit will be set in the Status Word.


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