Differential Gain

Default: 0
Range: 0 to 65535


The Differential Gain field is used to apply a gain based on the rate of change between the target and actual positions. There are two ways to view this.

First, this is a gain multiplied by the current rate of change in the position error. The differential drive, in millivolts is computed as follows:








Differential Gain in mV/[pos-units/ms]


position error this control loop in position units


position error last control loop in position units

LoopTime =

RMC Control Loop Time in ms (1 or 2)


A second equivalent way of viewing this parameter is as the gain multiplied by the velocity error. When looked at from this angle, the above equations become the following:







Differential Gain in mV/[pos-units/s]

TarVel =

target velocity in pos-units/s

ActVel =

actual velocity in pos-units/s

Note: The actual drive output may be reduced based on the values of the Extend Feed Forward and Retract Feed Forward.


CAUTION: To avoid oscillation during initial tuning start with values below 10.


Why Bother?

The Differential Gain field will usually be set to zero. Noisy or low-resolution feedback will limit the amount the Differential Gain can be increased.


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