Mode (Pressure/Force)

Default: 0x0000


Bits in the Mode word determine the way the RMC regulates pressure. Bit 15 is the MSB and bit 0 is the LSB.

Click here for the Mode Bit Map

Bit 5 - Ramp Mode Type

If this bit is set, the pressure ramps linearly. If this bit is cleared, the pressure ramp is an S-curve. It is recommended that this bit be left cleared, as it is much smoother and easier for the hydraulic system to track curved ramps. Notice that the Ramp Time field is used differently for the two modes when entering pressure. In S-curve mode the entering pressure ramp is only a half ramp (the deceleration), so only half the Ramp Time is used for the half ramp. Linear mode ramps have no acceleration/deceleration phases, so the Ramp Time field always refers to the entire ramp and is therefore not divided by two.

Bit 4 - Ramp Time Type

This bit affects the value used for the Ramp Time when the axis begins regulating pressure. If this bit is not set, then the Ramp Time field is used. This is always the case when ramping between pressures rather than entering pressure. If this bit is set, then the Ramp Time field is ignored upon entering pressure, and instead the RMC calculates the ramp time required to have a continuous pressure curve.

Bit 3 - Integrator Mode Select

This bit defines two integrator modes:


Bit 3

Mode 0 - Integrator always active


Mode 1 - Integrator active only while at pressure


Bit 0-1 - Pressure Mode Select

These two bits define four pressure modes; only one is currently available:


Bit 1

Bit 0

Mode 0 - Pressure Set Mode



Mode 1 - Reserved



Mode 2 - Reserved



Mode 3 - Reserved




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