Loader Command (RMC75/150)
Reset Command (RMC200)


Controller Register

RMC75/150 Address:




Data Type:

RMC75/150 Internal: DINT
RMC75/150 External: REAL



The Loader Command/Reset Command register is for sending certain commands to the loader. Currently, it supports commands for restarting the RMC75, RMC150 and RMC200.

Restarting the RMC

The RMC can be restarted from RMCTools, on the Controller menu, using the Restart Controller item. The RMC can also be restarted by writing certain values to the Loader Command/Reset Command register. Restarting the RMC in this manner is only done in advanced applications, such as programmatically changing the axis definitions during machine operation.

There are several ways to restart the RMC:

  1. Cold Restart with Flash Update
    This method first updates Flash, then waits one second before doing a cold restart of the RMC, which is the same as cycling power. Use this method if you want to automatically update Flash and restart. To do this:

    1. Write 16#55AA to the Loader Command/Reset Command register.

    2. Write 16#000D to the Loader Command/Reset Command register.

  2. Cold Restart without Flash Update
    The controller will restart in approximately 1 second. This is a cold restart of the RMC, which is the same as cycling power. Anything not saved to Flash will be lost.

    1. Write 16#55AA to the Loader Command/Reset Command register.

    2. Write 16#000C to the Loader Command/Reset Command register.

  3. Warm Restart
    The controller will do a warm restart in approximately 1 second. A warm restart, which retains all the data in the RMC, but doesn't save to Flash. Notice that the restart will apply any new axis definitions and will set all variables to initial values.

    1. Write 16#55AA to the Loader Command/Reset Command register.

    2. Write 16#000E to the Loader Command/Reset Command register.


Note: On the RMC75/150, if the writes are done externally, such as from a host controller such as a PLC, the values must be in floating-point format. 16#55AA would be written as 21930 in floating-point, and 16#000C, 16#000D, and 16#000E are 12, 13 and 14, respectively, in floating-point.


After the RMC restarts, it will take several seconds before it begins to communicate again. Over USB or serial, it will be approximately 4 seconds, over Ethernet, approximately 8 seconds.


See Also

Axis Definition Registers

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