New/Edit CoE Init Command Dialog

To access this dialog:
On the EtherCAT Init Commands tab, select an item in the Init Commands box and click the Edit button. The Edit button will only be available for items with Read/Write (RW) access as displayed in the Access column.
Or, on the EtherCAT Init Commands tab, select an item in the list and click the Add button.


The New CoE Init Command or Edit CoE Init Command dialog is used to add or edit an Init Command.

Dialog Components

Defining an Init Command

  1. Choose a CoE Object for the Init Command:

    In the CoE Dictionary box, select the desired object to which the Init Command will apply. If the object has subitems, click the expand button to view the subitems, then select the desired subitem.

    The object to which the Init Command will apply will be given in the Index and SubIndex boxes.

  2. Choose the Transition:

    Select the state machine transition to which the Init Command will apply.

  3. Set the Value:

    In the Value box, enter the value that should be written by the Init Command.

  4. Set the Direction:

    This should usually be Download, which writes the Value to the SubDevice.

  5. It is typically unnecessary to make any changes in the Further Settings section.

After making the desired changes, click OK.


See Also

EtherCAT Init Commands | EtherCAT State Machine

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