The text from the following example user functions can be copied and pasted into the User Function Editor.
Example 1
Converts inches to millimeters.
Usage |
MyPos := inch2mm(_Axis[0].ActPos); |
Declaration |
(* Converts inches to millimeters. *) FUNCTION inch2mm : REAL VAR_INPUT Inches : REAL; END_VAR inch2mm := Inches * 25.4; END_FUNCTION |
Example 2
Returns the average of 4 values.
Usage |
MyPos := Avg4(_Axis[0].ActPos, _Axis[1].ActPos, _Axis[2].ActPos, _Axis[3].ActPos); |
Declaration |
(* Returns the average of the 4 input parameters. *) FUNCTION Avg4 : REAL VAR_INPUT Val1 : REAL; Val2 : REAL; Val3 : REAL; Val4 : REAL; END_VAR Avg4 := (Val1 + Val2 + Val3 + Val4) / 4.0; END_FUNCTION |
Example 3
Converts polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates.
Usage |
Polar2Cart(radius, angle,x,y); |
Declaration |
(* Converts polar coordinates r, theta to cartesian coordinates x, y. Theta is in the interval [0,360) degrees. *) FUNCTION Polar2Cart : BOOL VAR_INPUT r : REAL; //radius theta : REAL; //angle in degrees [0,360) END_VAR VAR_OUTPUT x : REAL; y : REAL; END_VAR IF theta = 0.0 OR theta = 180.0 THEN x := r; y := 0.0; ELSIF theta = 90.0 OR theta = 270.0 THEN x := 0.0; y := r; ELSE x := r * COS(theta * (M_PI / 180.0)); y := r * SIN(theta * (M_PI / 180.0)); END_IF Polar2Cart := TRUE; END_FUNCTION |
Example 4
Returns the index of the least significant bit that is set in a DWORD.
Usage |
MyIndex := LSB(MyDWORD); |
Declaration |
(* LEAST SIGNIFICANT BIT returns the index of the least significant bit set in a DWORD. *) FUNCTION LSB : DINT VAR_INPUT DW_IN : DWORD; END_VAR VAR DW : DWORD; C : DINT; END_VAR IF DW_IN <> 0 THEN DW := DW_IN AND DINT_TO_DWORD(DWORD_TO_DINT(NOT DW_IN) + 1); C := 0; IF (DW AND 16#FFFF0000) <> 0 THEN C := C + 16; END_IF IF (DW AND 16#FF00FF00) <> 0 THEN C := C + 8; END_IF IF (DW AND 16#F0F0F0F0) <> 0 THEN C := C + 4; END_IF IF (DW AND 16#CCCCCCCC) <> 0 THEN C := C + 2; END_IF IF (DW AND 16#AAAAAAAA) <> 0 THEN C := C + 1; END_IF LSB := C; ELSE LSB := -1; END_IF END_FUNCTION |
See Also
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