ROUND Function


ROUND(a, n)

Rounds a to n decimal places.



The input value.

n (DINT)

The number of decimal places to round a to. If n is omitted, it is assumed to be 0, and a will be rounded to the nearest integer. n can be between -6 and 6. Negative values specify decimal places to the left of the decimal. Positive values specify decimal places to the right of the decimal.

Return Value

Returns a REAL.


0.5 rounds up to 1.0.

Rounding -0.5 differs between the RMCs:

If n is outside of the range -6 to 6, the task will fault. An error will be logged in the Event Log and the user program running on the task will stop.


ROUND(0.5) returns 1.0

ROUND(123456,-3) returns 123000

ROUND(0.9876,2) returns 0.99


See Also

MROUND Function | Standard Functions

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