Using Other Master Controllers with the RMC

The RMC motion controllers are compatible with a large number of devices, and therefore it is not possible to include specific instructions for all compatible master controllers. This topic provides general information on how to use other master controllers with the RMC. The RMC is always a slave.

If your PLC, HMI or other device does not support any of the methods listed here, please contact a Delta Computer Systems sales engineer to discuss your device. Delta strives to support all major devices, and is interested in knowing about devices that the RMC does not support.


Communicating with the RMC via Ethernet from other devices will use one of the following four methods. Review each to determine which is appropriate for your device:

Serial RS-232 and RS-485

The RMC75S supports serial RS-232 and RS-485. The RMC150 does not support serial communication, but can communicate with serial devices via serial-to Ethernet converters sold by other manufacturers. Contact Delta for more information.

Communicating with the RMC from serial devices will use one of the following methods. Review each to determine which is appropriate for your device:


The RMC75P and RMC150 can communicate via PROFIBUS-DP. For details, see the PROFIBUS topic.


See Also

Communications Overview | Ethernet Overview | Serial Overview | PROFIBUS Overview

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