SubDevice Configuration Information (SCI) File

A SubDevice Configuration Information (SCI) file contains the complete configuration of a EtherCAT SubDevice as configured by the user. An SCI file is also referred to as a Preconfigured SubDevice. This is as compared to an ESI file, which contains information about how a SubDevice can be configured.

Once a SubDevice has been added to an EtherCAT network and configured (including the modules, PDO mappings, Init command, etc.), an SCI file can be generated. Additional SubDevices can be added to the network using that SCI file, which results in SubDevices that have the same configuration. For large networks that contain many identical devices, the SCI file provides an efficient way to add the devices.

Note that an SCI file does not include all the flexibility of the original configured SubDevice, but the SubDevice will include all the necessary elements to function as the original. For example, if the original SubDevice included a Modules tab, the SubDevice created via the SCI file will not include that Modules tab, but the PDO mappings and Init commands that the Modules defined will be correct.

An alternative to using SCI files is to copy and paste SubDevices. Once a SubDevice has been fully configured, it can be copied and pasted to the same RMCTools project or a different RMCTools project. Copy and paste preserves more of the SubDevice configuration, such as the Modules tab, but copying and pasting can only be performed between RMCTools projects that are open simultaneously.

Creating a Preconfigured SubDevice (SCI File)

  1. Add a SubDevice to the EtherCAT network as usual (add the ESI file in the EtherCAT ESI Manager, then in the EtherCAT Editor, add a SubDevice to the network).

  2. In the EtherCAT Editor, configure the SubDevice, including but not necessarily limited to:

    1. Name (on the General tab)

    2. Modules tab

    3. PDO Mapping tab

    4. Advanced Options tab

    5. Distributed Clocks tab

    6. Init Commands tab

  3. In the EtherCAT Editor, right-click the SubDevice and choose Export SCI.

  4. Browse to the desired save location. Make a mental note of the filename (it will include ‘SCI’), editing it if desired, then click Save.

Creating a SubDevice Using a Preconfigured SubDevice (SCI File)

Once a Preconfigured SubDevice has been created and saved as an SCI file, you can add SubDevices to your network with that SCI file:

  1. On the Tools menu, select EtherCAT ESI Manager.

  2. Click Add File. Browse to the SCI file, select it and click Open.

  3. Wait for the ESI Manager to process the selected file, then close the dialog.

  4. In the EtherCAT Editor, right-click a device and choose Add SubDevice After.

  5. In the Append EtherCAT SubDevice dialog:

    1. Check the Show Preconfigured SubDevices checkbox.

    2. In the SubDevices list, browse to the SCI file and select it.

    3. Click OK.

The new SubDevice will be nearly identical to the original. Some items that will be different are:


See Also

ESI Files | EtherCAT ESI Manager

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