Offset Positions Command

Character: z
Decimal: 122
Hexadecimal: 0x7A
Command Value: Target Position Offset
Command Value (Resolver): Offset in Turns


For non-resolver axes, this command is used to offset the Command, Target and Actual Positions by the amount specified in the Command Value (-32767 to +32768). Normally this command is used when indexing to reset the target position back to 0 before repeating a sequence of steps in the step table.

When this command is issued to absolute positioned axes such as MDT, SSI (linear), and analog, the Offset parameter is adjusted in order to make the position match the requested position.

Resolver Axes

For Resolver axes, this command is used to offset the Command, Target, and Actual Positions by the number of turns specified in the Command Value. This command will not change the Count Offset.

This command is intended for use on axes that rotate continuously in one direction as the machine goes through its cycle. After each machine cycle, issuing this command would set the positions back by the number of revolutions the resolver made in each cycle.

If the axis is in Rotational Mode when this command is issued, it is possible to set the positions outside the limits established by the Extend and Retract limits. The positions will be moved back within limits the next loop time. Axis control will not be affected.


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