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Latest Press Releases

Mark Stevens Joins Delta's Engineering Development Team
Mark started working at Delta in April of 2012 and has assumed responsibility for continued development of Delta’s RMCTools’ software as a Control Software Development Engineer.

Mark’s strong background in control systems and HMI-related software come from his extensive work in both embedded and user-interface development.

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What's New?

forum See Announcements and Enhancements for Huge Programs


Education / Training

Delta's Advanced Technical Training October 2012
Delta's Advanced Technical Training will be held in Battle Ground October 2012. Contact your Delta Regional Technical Sales Manager if interested.

Advanced Technical Training

  • October 23-25, 2012 – Battle Ground, WA

signup SIGN UP

RMCTools Technical Training

  • October 17-18, 2012 - Battle Ground, WA

If interested contact your Delta Regional Technical Sales Manager.

signup SIGN UP


RMCTools Technical Training

  • September 5-6, 2012
  • October 9-10, 2012
  • November 13-14, 2012
  • December 12-13, 2012

RMCWin Technical Training

  • September 25-26, 2012

signup SIGN UP

Delta also provides self-paced training options, check out some of these options:

  • Video Tutorials provide an easy way to get up to speed on the RMC’s features with easy to follow video guides.
  • Online RMCs let you try out the features of RMCTools or custom RMCLink programs when you don't have an RMC to test with.

People at DELTA

Randy Hanson Joins Delta's Production Team
Since joining Delta in early 2012, Randy's efforts have included product testing and repair along with other support duties such as prototyping and machining, while preparing for support duties in software test and development.

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Latest Articles and Application Notes

Hydraulic Controls Transform Press Technology
Hydraulic motion controllers enhance the precision and repeatability of hydroforming presses. Hydroforming is a process that uses fluid pressure to shape metal parts. Sheet hydroforming, one variation, can produce formed parts that are impossible to make using a stamping process. Also, sheet hydroforming shapes deep objects in a single operation, whereas stamping might require multiple operations. (Machine Design - June 2012)

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Lathe Work
As forest product equipment owners across the country are finding out, one of the most economical ways to increase productivity is to retrofit old machines with new control systems. For machines such as veneer lathes that employ many moving parts, a new closed-loop multi-axis motion controller and programming will improve the quality of machinery output, overcome the effects of mechanical wear and extend the life of mechanical components. (Panel World- July 2012)

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Timber Processing – Look for a Delta Band Saw article in the September issue.


Electro-Hydraulic Motion Controllers Simplify Non-Destructive Testing
The function of many non-destructive testing (NDT) systems is to apply stresses to a device that simulate real-world conditions while recording data about how the device responds to the stimulus. Often, a range of parameters is closely monitored to detect conditions that are precursors to device failure in order to gain important insights that can prevent failures in the field. (Fluid Power Journal Manufacturers Directory August 2012)

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Testing, Testing, 1-2-3
One of the fastest growing uses for hydraulic and pneumatic actuators and closed-loop motion control is in product testing systems. Why? Fluid power offers distinct advantages over electric motors in many testing applications because hydraulics can meter small fluid volumes in and out of an actuator for precise control of pressure and force. (Motion Systems Design - June 2012)

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IMTS IMTS International Manufacturing Technology Show

September 10-15, 2012
McCormick Place
Chicago, IL
Booth # E-4403

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Fluid Power Conference & Expo, North Carolina

October 8-9, 2012
Location: Charlotte, NC
UNCC Student Center

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Pre-EXPO Short Course Line-Up

October 16, 2012
Location: Red Lion Hotel, Jantzen Beach
Portland, OR

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Timber Process & Energy Expo

October 17-19, 2012
Location: Portland Metropolitan Exposition Center
Portland, OR

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Sign up for the Short Course and Workshops including a presentation by Delta's Peter Nachtwey

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November 12-14, 2012
Location: Las Vegas Convention Center
Las Vegas, NV

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Get Your Free Hydraulic Motion Control
Design Guide



Distributor News

Delta Adds New Distributors in China and Mexico

Mr SunTao (second from left) shown with Delta Sales personnel Gan Li, Brad Smith and CEO Steve Nylund

Delta is happy to welcome Silusheng a 12 year old company distributing CNC machine tools and automation systems services headquartered in Beijing, China. Mr. Tao Sun, General Manager at Silusheng recently visited Delta in Battle Ground, Washington, and signed an agreement to become an International Distributor representing Delta Computer Systems in China.


Delta is pleased to welcome I H S de Mexico a 9 year old value added reseller of hydraulic, pneumatic and filtration systems headquartered in Mexico City. Mr. Jose Rosas, Technical Manager of I H S de Mexico, has followed Delta through much of his career when he was introduced to Delta while working for Parker Mexico. Recently he took a position with I H S and he immediately identified the need to add Delta to their product mix and as of July 2012 they have officially signed the Delta International Distributor Agreement representing Delta in Mexico.



Did You Know?

windows7 RMCTools is officially certified as Compatible with Windows 7.

DELTA at Work

support Delta Support Page is Updated


RMCTools Help NOW includes Video Links

Download the latest RMC Software and
Firmware Updates
  • RMCTools Software version is 3.52.1
  • RMC70 Firmware version is 3.52.0
  • RMC150 Firmware version is 3.52.0
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  • RMCLink latest version is 3.1a
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  • RMCWin latest version is 2.30.4
  • RMC100 Firmware is 20090327
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DELTA Marketing Tools / Media

DELTA advertisements and postcards have been placed on the DELTA website.

Distributors can download DELTA logos to place on your website. See the Distributor Only page and click on "MEDIA".

Distributor Only Website

If you are a distributor and need a password or user id
Email us
or call DELTA at 360-254-8688.


Contact DELTA

DELTA Computer Systems, Inc.
1818 SE 17th St.
Battle Ground, WA 98604-8579
Phone: 360-254-8688
Fax: 360-254-5435





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©2012 DELTA Computer Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.